The Clock Generator The clock generator in MacBreadboard can operate in one of four modes. The modes are selectable from the 'Clock' menu, and identifiable by a check mark in the menu and a unique picture on the trainer. Typical frequencies generated are 10Hz and lower. • Free-Run - a continuous square wave signal is generated. The frequency is adjustable by sliding the simulated control right or left. • Positive pulse - In this mode, a button is shown in the clock function area of the trainer. Pressing the button causes a clock 'pulse' to be generated. The pulse is initially low, then it goes high and finally it returns low again. The frequency is determined by the Free-Run clock's setting. A step function may be simulated by pressing and holding the mouse button. When the button is released, the clock output returns to its initial state. • Negative pulse - Similar to the positive pulse except that the initial and final states of the clock are HIGH, not low. • Step - Or half pulse. Clicking on the step button generates a state change in the clock. If it was HIGH, it is now LOW and vice-versa. (Holding the mouse button down has no effect in step mode.)